Rotana Hotel
Construction of the Rotana hotel tower, Amman, Jordan
The 180m high Rotana tower comprises a luxury hotel in an key urban location in Amman.
T/E/S/S is appointed for the design and site supervision of the facades for the tower itself, the podium building, the entrance lobby covered in a steel mesh and the “lantern”, a concrete volume inserted into the tower and covered in glass scales.
The complex geometry of these elements required in depth studies of non planar glazed surfaces and detailed
considerations of access to the façade for cleaning and maintenance. Control of solar exposure of the glazing and the detail design of the brise-soleil for the fully glazed tower were pivotal to the work undertaken by TE/S/S.
The fixing of the scales on the “lantern” required specific studies of erection methods to allow the bespoke geometry of the project to be realized and clad on site.