Galeries Lafayette

Location :  Rue Winston Churchill, Metz
Architect :  Manuelle Gautrand Architecture
Client :  Citynove
Package :  Glazing structures
Scope :  Technical design and implementation monitoring
Date :  2012–2014
Collaborators :  VIRY / ACML (metal structure and glass canopy) – Fayat

Regeneration of the store windows and creation of a new glass canopy for the department store

The Galeries Lafayette store in Metz, located in the city center, resembles a monolithic block dating back to the 1980s. The former low concrete canopy extended partially over the sidewalk, making the display windows and entrances dark and uninviting.

Architect Manuelle Gautrand designed a luminous canopy in the signature red color of Galeries Lafayette. This structure rises and wraps around the main corner, creating an inviting entrance with a monumental presence that matches the scale of the adjacent large esplanade. Folded like a fabric ribbon, its translucent quality gives it a striking presence; at night, it is illuminated from within by hidden light sources.

From the early stages of the project, T/E/S/S collaborated closely with the architect. The use of folded paper models helped develop a repetitive geometric system consisting of vertical triangular steel surfaces connected by inclined glass panels. The metal structure is composed of successive cantilevers that taper in height from the wall toward the edge of the canopy, while counter-cantilevers narrow in the opposite direction.

The laminated glass incorporates a series of colored interlayers with varying tones and transparencies to achieve the desired visual effect and precise shade of red. Between the canopy and the display windows, shadowboxes have been integrated into the façade. Their glazing features a semi-reflective inner film and an outer white dot screen print. These dots extend onto the display windows, creating a unified façade that both showcases the products and reflects the historical and architectural context of the building along with the new red canopy. The folded geometry has a strong visual impact while remaining relatively simple to define and construct. At the upper section of the canopy, along the walls, a maintenance walkway and drainage system facilitate the upkeep of the glass structure.

One of the key technical challenges was the red color's tendency to absorb infrared radiation and heat up easily. Careful studies were conducted to analyze the degree of glass heating and determine the appropriate technical solution. Excessive heat buildup could have led to the softening of the laminated interlayer and its deformation. The completed structure has already become a landmark in the city of Metz, enhancing the store’s appeal while standing as an architectural statement in its own right.