Boutique Patrick Roger

Location :  Place de la Madeleine, Paris VIIIème
Architect :  X-TU architectes
Client :  Patrick Roger
Package :  Habillage intérieur
Scope :  Assistance à la conception
Date :  2012

Interior Design of Chocolatier Patrick Roger’s Boutique, Place de la Madeleine, Paris

The "chocolatier-sculptor" Patrick Roger enlisted the X-TU architects studio to design his new boutique on Place de la Madeleine in Paris. This "gallery boutique" offers visitors the chance to discover his chocolate sculptures in a new setting, enveloped by aluminum honeycomb structures covering the entire space, reminiscent of a beehive.

The interior design of the boutique is composed of over 5,000 aluminum tubes, either suspended or placed on the floor, varying in length to create a relief that completely envelops the space. T/E/S/S assisted the architects in developing a methodology for the installation and fabrication of these tubes. This involved considerations regarding the machining process, fixing systems, structural supports, and overall integration with the primary framework. The design also had to accommodate lighting integration and the ability to dismantle the tubes when necessary.

The curved lines formed by the aluminum tubes were designed using digital modeling, resulting in a space that lies somewhere between a vault and a cave—industrial in material, yet organic in form.

In 2014, the boutique's interior design was awarded 1st Prize at the "Paris Shop & Design" awards, organized by the Paris Île-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry.